North Valley Behavioral Health, LLC (NVBH) are non smoking, 16 bed acute care psychiatric inpatient treatment facilites licensed by the State of California Department of Mental Health. Admission is based on medical necessity of patients 18 years or older, who are unable to maintain and safely function at home or in the community. NVBH provides multi disciplinary evaluation, treatment, rapid stabilization, and coordinated discharge planning that encourages wellness and recovery with support from community based services.
The treatment program utilizes the medical and social rehabilitation models. Medication support and consumer focused social rehabilitation practices (including, but not limited to; social milieu, wellness and recovery, and recovery action plans) are combined into a program tailored to meet the needs of each patient individually while addressing the needs of the milieu as a whole. The program recognizes that patients and their families, have specialized needs and respond to treatment in highly diverse ways. Treatment must be sensitive to this diversity. Emphasis is on respect, presentation of dignity, and inclusion of patient input to the process.
The primary focus of the program is continuous diagnostic assessment of the individual’s mental health status, stabilization and maintenance of the mental health condition, improvement of patient’s functioning ability, and transitional planning with appropriate referrals to an appropriate post-hospitalization setting. It is intended for individuals who have a qualified mental health condition or crisis requiring temporary care in a safe and secure environment.
North Valley has established relationships with other providers to handle medical care, health emergencies, higher levels of psychiatric care and other referral needs. Our facility only contracts with County Mental Health Systems.
“A lot of people don't realize that depression is an illness. I don't wish it on anyone, but if they would know how it feels, I swear they would think twice before they just shrug it.”
-- Jonathan Davis